# TOML format

TOML is a configuration file format that is intended to be easy to read and write due to obvious semantics which aim to be "minimal", and is designed to map unambiguously to a dictionary. Its specification is open-source, and receives community contributions. TOML is used in a number of software projects, and is implemented in a large number of programming languages.

# Dependencies

DataTree API supports 3 TOML implementations. For example, to use Toml4j's version, just add Toml4j JARs to the classpath. If DataTree detects Toml4j API on classpath, DataTree will use Toml4j API to read/write TOML documents.


<!-- TOML4J API -->

# Reading and writing TOML documents

// Parsing TOML document
String toml = " ... TOML document ... ";
Tree document = new Tree(toml, "toml");

// Getting / setting values
document.get("subObject").forEach((child) -> {

// Generating TOML string from Tree
String toml = document.toString("toml");

If there is more than one TOML implementation on classpath, the preferred implementation is adjustable with the following System Properties:

// Using JToml API:

// Using JToml2 API:

// Using Toml4j API:

# Required dependencies of TOML adapters

API Name Adapter Class Dependency
JToml TomlJtoml group: 'me.grison', name: 'jtoml', version: '1.0.0'
JToml TomlJtoml2 group: 'io.ous', name: 'jtoml', version: '2.0.0'
Toml4j TomlToml4j group: 'com.moandjiezana.toml', name: 'toml4j', version: '0.7.2'