# JSON format

DataTree API supports 18 popular JSON implementations, you can use your favorite one for reading/writing JSON structures. The following sample demonstrates, how to replace the built-in JSON API to Jackson's JSON API. The only thing you have to do is add Jackson JARs to the classpath. If DataTree detects Jackson API on classpath, DataTree will use Jackson's Object Mapper to read/write JSON documents.


// Parsing JSON document using Jackson API
String json = "{ ... json document ...}";
Tree document = new Tree(json);

// Generating JSON string from Tree using Jackson API
String json = document.toString();

That is all. The table below shows the dependencies of the supported JSON implementations. If you add FastJson dependency to classpath instead of Jackson, DataTree will use FastJson, and so on.

# Using Boon JSON API

Description: "Simple opinionated Java for the novice to expert level Java Programmer. Low Ceremony. High Productivity." Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonBoon jsonBoon = new JsonBoon();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonBoon);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonBoon);

Boon dependencies

To use Boon JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'io.fastjson', name: 'boon', version: '0.34'

# Using BSON (MongoDB) API

This is a Java API for MongoDB (JSON and BSON). Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonBson jsonBson = new JsonBson();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonBson);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonBson);

BSON dependencies

To use BSON JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'org.mongodb', name: 'bson', version: '4.2.3'

# Using DSLJson API

This is a DSL Platform compatible JSON library (https://dsl-platform.com). Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonDSL jsonDSL = new JsonDSL();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonDSL);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonDSL);

DSLJson dependencies

To use DSLJson JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'com.dslplatform', name: 'dsl-json', version: '1.9.8'

# Using FastJson API

FastJson is a fast JSON parser/generator for Java. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonFast jsonFast = new JsonFast();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonFast);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonFast);

FastJson dependencies

To use FastJson JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'com.alibaba', name: 'fastjson', version: '1.2.76'

# Using Flexjson API

Flexjson is a lightweight library for serializing and deserializing Java objects into and from JSON. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonFlex jsonFlex = new JsonFlex();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonFlex);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonFlex);

Flexjson dependencies

To use Flexjson JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'net.sf.flexjson', name: 'flexjson', version: '3.3'

# Using Genson JSON API

Genson API is designed to be easy to use, it handles for you all the databinding, streaming and much more. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonGenson jsonGenson = new JsonGenson();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonGenson);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonGenson);

Genson dependencies

To use Genson JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'com.owlike', name: 'genson', version: '1.6'

# Using Google Gson JSON API

Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object. Gson can work with arbitrary Java objects including pre-existing objects that you do not have source-code of. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonGson jsonGson = new JsonGson();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonGson);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonGson);

Gson dependencies

To use Gson JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'com.google.code.gson', name: 'gson', version: '2.8.7'

# Using Jackson JSON API

Standard JSON library for Java (or JVM platform in general), or, as the "best JSON parser for Java". Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonJackson jsonJackson = new JsonJackson();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonJackson);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonJackson);

Jackson dependencies

To use Jackson JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core', name: 'jackson-databind', version: '2.12.3'

# Using Jodd JSON API

Jodd Json is lightweight library for (de)serializing Java objects into and from JSON. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonJodd jsonJodd = new JsonJodd();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonJodd);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonJodd);

Jodd dependencies

To use Jodd JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'org.jodd', name: 'jodd-json', version: '6.0.3'

# Using Apache Johnzon API

Apache Johnzon is a project providing an implementation of JsonProcessing (aka jsr-353) and a set of useful extension for this specification like an Object mapper, some JAX-RS providers and a WebSocket module provides a basic integration with Java WebSocket API. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonJohnzon jsonJohnzon = new JsonJohnzon();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonJohnzon);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonJohnzon);

Johnzon dependencies

To use Johnzon JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'org.apache.johnzon', name: 'johnzon-mapper', version: '1.2.12'

# Using JsonIO API

JsonIO - Convert Java to JSON. Convert JSON to Java. PrettyFormatter print JSON. Java JSON serializer. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonJsonIO jsonJsonIO = new JsonJsonIO();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonJsonIO);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonJsonIO);

JsonIO dependencies

To use JsonIO JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'com.cedarsoftware', name: 'json-io', version: '4.12.0'

# Using NanoJson API

NanoJson is a tiny, compliant JSON parser and writer for Java. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonNano jsonNano = new JsonNano();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonNano);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonNano);

NanoJson dependencies

To use NanoJson JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'com.grack', name: 'nanojson', version: '1.7'

# Using JSON.simple API

JSON.simple is a simple Java toolkit for JSON. You can use JSON.simple to encode or decode JSON text. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonSimple jsonSimple = new JsonSimple();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonSimple);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonSimple);

JSON.simple dependencies

To use JSON.simple JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'com.googlecode.json-simple', name: 'json-simple', version: '1.1.1'

# Using Json-smart API

Json-smart is a performance focused, JSON processor lib. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonSmart jsonSmart = new JsonSmart();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonSmart);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonSmart);

Json-smart dependencies

To use Json-smart JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'net.minidev', name: 'json-smart', version: '2.4.7'


SOJO stands for Simplify your Old Java Objects or, in noun form, Simplified Old Java Objects. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonSojo jsonSojo = new JsonSojo();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonSojo);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonSojo);

SOJO dependencies

To use SOJO JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'net.sf.sojo', name: 'sojo', version: '1.0.13'

# Using JsonUtil API

JSON generation and parsing utility library for Java (http://kopitubruk.org/JSONUtil/). Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonUtil jsonUtil = new JsonUtil();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonUtil);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonUtil);

JsonUtil dependencies

To use JsonUtil JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'org.kopitubruk.util', name: 'JSONUtil', version: '1.10.4'

# Using Amazon Ion API

Amazon Ion is a richly-typed, self-describing, hierarchical data serialization format offering interchangeable binary and text representations. The text format (a superset of JSON) is easy to read and author, supporting rapid prototyping. The rich type system provides unambiguous semantics for long-term preservation of business data which can survive multiple generations of software evolution. Ion was built to solve the rapid development, decoupling, and efficiency challenges faced every day while engineering large-scale, service-oriented architectures. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonIon jsonIon = new JsonIon();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonIon);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonIon);

Ion dependencies

To use Amazon Ion JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'software.amazon.ion', name: 'ion-java', version: '1.5.1'

# Using Json Iterator API

Jsoniter (json-iterator) is fast and flexible JSON parser available in Java and Go. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonJsoniter jsonJsoniter = new JsonJsoniter();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", jsonJsoniter);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", jsonJsoniter);

Json Iterator dependencies

To use Jsoniter JSON API, add the following dependency to the build script:
group: 'com.jsoniter', name: 'jsoniter', version: '0.9.23'

# Using Built-in parser

The JsonBuiltin is the default JSON reader / writer. Set as default JSON API (using Java System Properties):


Set as default JSON API (using static methods):

static {
    JsonBuiltin json = new JsonBuiltin();
    TreeReaderRegistry.setReader("json", json);
    TreeWriterRegistry.setWriter("json", json);

# Using different JSON implementations for reading and writing

If DataTree detects more JSON implementations on classpath, DataTree will use the fastest implementation. To force DataTree to use the proper APIs, use the datatree.json.reader and datatree.json.writer System Properties to specify the appropriate Adapter Class (see above in the table) for reading and writing:


Add Boon and Jackson to your pom.xml:



<!-- BOON JSON API -->

After that, DataTree will use Boon API for parsing, and Jackson for generating JSON strings.

// Parsing JSON document using Boon API
String json = "{ ... json document ...}";
Tree document = new Tree(json);

// Getting / setting values
int number = document.get("node.subnode.subnode").asInteger();
document.put("node.subnode.subnode", 5);

// Generating JSON string from Tree using Jackson API
String json = document.toString();

# Performance of JSON APIs

# JSON readers/parsers

The higher values are better:

JSON readers

Created at January 22, 2020 Sample JSON

# JSON writers/serializers

The higher values are better:

JSON writers

Created at January 22, 2020 Sample JSON

# Feature comparison of JSON APIs

JSON API Long BigInteger BigDecimal MongoDB Cassandra Binary Pretty Date
Built-in Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
FastJson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
SmartJson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
DSLJson Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
Amazon Ion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes special base64 Yes Yes
JsonUtil Yes Yes Yes No Yes array Yes Yes
NanoJson Yes Yes No Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
Jackson Yes Yes No Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
Jodd Yes Yes No Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
Genson Yes No No Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
Gson Yes No No Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
JsonIO Yes No No Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
FlexJson Yes No No Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
Boon Yes No No Yes Yes array Yes Yes
Jsoniter Yes No No Yes Yes array Yes Yes
Bson Yes No No Yes Yes special base64 Yes special
Sojo Yes No No Yes Yes array Yes fixed
Johnzon No No No Yes Yes base64 Yes Yes
JSON.Simple Yes No No No No No Yes No

The meanings of the columns are as follows:

  • JSON API: Name of the underlying JSON API
  • Long: Deserializes 64-bit integers as Long, without overflowing
  • BigInteger: Automatically deserializes very long (>64-bit) integers as BigInteger
  • BigDecimal: Automatically deserializes very long floating-point numbers as BigDecimal
  • MongoDB: Able to serialize MongoDB types (ObjectID, BsonDateTime, BsonRegularExpression, etc.)
  • Cassandra: Serializes all datatypes of Appache Cassandra (UUID, Date, Set, InetAddress, etc.)
  • Binary: Output format of byte arrays in the generated JSON file
  • Pretty: Supports pretty-printing (formatted JSON output)
  • Date: Able to serialize Date objects in custom timestamp format