# About DataTree Template Engine
DataTree Template Engine is a small and fast template engine capable of producing html, xml, and plain text files. The template engine works with hierarchical collection structures - similar to the Mustache Engine but with expandable features. Its operating logic is very simple which makes it pretty fast:

# Capabilities
- Sub-templates (header/footer) insertion
- Simple insertion (multiple levels with JSON-path "user.address[2].city")
- Loop on elements of a JSON array/map (for creating tables and lists)
- Insert if a value exists or does not exist
- Insert if a value is the same or different from the specified value
- Can be used to generate TXT, HTML, XHTML or XML files (character escaping)
- User-defined functions/macros (special HTML-formatters and renderers)
# Limitations
Data must NOT contain POJO objects, only Collections (Maps, Lists, object arrays) with primitive types and Strings (or any object that can be easily converted to String). The contents of a POJO object can only be inserted into the templates with user-defined functions. No built-in multilingual support. Syntax isn't flexible; complicated logic conditions cannot be specified in the templates, only a few simpler condition types can be used.
# Download
dependencies {
compile group: 'com.github.berkesa', name: 'datatree-templates', version: '1.1.4'
# Requirements
The DataTree Templates API requires Java 8.
# License
DataTree Templates is licensed under the Apache License V2, you can use it in your commercial products for free.