# CBOR format

CBOR is based on the wildly successful JSON data model: numbers, strings, arrays, maps (called objects in JSON), and a few values such as false, true, and null. One of the major practical wins of JSON is that successful data interchange is possible without casting a schema in concrete. This works much better in a world where both ends of a communication relationship may be evolving at high speed.

# Dependencies

Add DataTree Adapters and CBOR JARs to the classpath:


<!-- CBOR API -->

# Reading and writing CBOR documents

// Parsing CBOR document
byte[] cbor = " ... bytes of the CBOR document ... ";
Tree document = new Tree(cbor, "cbor");

// Getting / setting values
int value = document.get("intValue").asInteger();
document.put("intValue", 1);

// Generating CBOR byte array from Tree
byte[] cbor = document.toBinary("cbor");